FEMALE BEAUTY WOMEN'S PORTRAITS A woman's beauty is not in her clothes, her figure, or her hair. It is in the sparkle of her eyes. For the eyes are the gateway to the heart where love lives. Audrey Hepburn Женские фотоистории Scandinavian Sea Happiness The sea nymph of the Prussian coast The bright muse of the cold spring Hitchhiking through cafes and small neighborhoods A summer flair for femininity and charm Marie in the cozy streets of Amalienau Under the blossoming lime trees of Oberteich. To breathe, to enjoy, to contemplate, to dream Women's secrets on the shore of the Curonian Lagoon Running after the Baltic wind To dream, to create, to play, to walk Queen of Peace Avenue in the evening sun. Creative Evgenia in the spring sunshine Wet sand after a summer rain Norwegian Diva